About AIRS

The American Industrial Railroad Society (AIRS) is an Iowa-based 501(c)(3) certified not-for-profit organization, founded with the mission of preserving and interpreting an overlooked aspect of historical railroading in the United States. Characterized chiefly by the environment in which they were found, industrial railroads were a staple of American life during their heyday at the height of the industrial revolution. Shuffling freight between larger railroads as well as toiling away amongst steel mills, automobile plants, mines, factories and other heavy industries makes it easy to understand why such carriers were quickly forgotten about. Our steam locomotive - the Indiana Northern Railroad #4 - as well as its long defunct owner are the perfect example of such an operation and their equipment.

Preserving and restoring vintage railroad equipment oftentimes brings folks together from across a wide swathe of geographical distance. Our members hail from all across the United States - places like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa and Ohio to name just a few. Additionally, their backgrounds are just as varied! In our ranks we have professional welders, machinists, a civil engineer, teachers, lawyers and even some full-time railroaders. We came together to rescue Indiana Northern #4, and founded AIRS to dedicate ourselves towards preserving a piece of the larger picture that our engine was a part of. At an average age of just 28, AIRS is made up of a passionate and highly motivated group willing to take on the challenge of bringing a steam locomotive back to life.

Now, with your help and interest we will keep this project going. If you wish to support us, please consider joining as a member, volunteering or making a donation today! We are always looking for passionate railroad preservationists to join our group and look forward to hearing from you!